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My name is Gemma.
I am a mum to four crazy babies. All that are now at school, leaving my baby arms free to help other expectant mummies.
Married to my wonderful husband Ciaran.
In my spare time i love to spend time with my family.
We love dancing in the kitchen, going on bike rides but most of the time I’m being a taxi for our children’s busy social life’s.
I have worked with babies and children my whole working life. I trained in childcare and education.
I have always been very interested in birth and the physiology around birth, so thought why not put it into practice.
Having my own children inspired me. Birth is such an amazing thing and our bodies are incredible.
I am a qualified Doula and am also taking part in Birth Bliss accreditation program, so am fully supported by the best Doula‘s in the Uk.
Well as you can see I started at a young age.
I have always loved babies and children. I always new I wanted to work in childcare. after leaving school and completing my childcare course I stepped my way up though day nursery’s and childcare settings. Becoming management after a couple of years I decided I wanted to start my own family.
After the birth of my first daughter Maddison in 2012, where I was currently a nanny, decided to set up childcare from my home where I looked after lots of young babies and children until my second daughter Tamsin was a year old.
I took this time to spend time with my two beautiful daughters and 2 years later decided that we were not yet complete and had our first baby boy Greyson in 2017. Shortly after we were blessed with a second baby boy Lawson in 2018. As the children were so close in age i become a stay at home mum, still doing short courses to keep me updated. until 2022 when they were all in full time school and I thought it’s time now for me to go back into what I enjoy best. Working with babies and children except this time I thought I would love to put my time and help other mums.
Becoming pregnant can be so magical but also a worry. Though my four pregnancies i experienced much worry and all didn't go to plan, but i can say i adapted my births to ensure the best possible birth experiences for us all.
Maddison - All went smoothly until 28 weeks when Maddison decided she wanted to come early. Starting by a gush of blood i was terrified. Thankfully the wonderful staff at luton and dunstable stopped my labour and Maddison was born on her due date weighing 6'2. I had a normal delivery managed on gas and air using self taught meditation technics and timing my own contractions, my music playing. I ended up with a few grazes but other wise mostly to plan. I took my baby home and all was going well. Breast feeding was hard but i felt i was doing good.
But after 10 days Maddison wasn't right, she was covered in a rash. I took her to hospital and she was re-admitted with meningitis. It was horrible but luckily was the less serious of the types Viral meningitis. It was a horrible experience, my new precious baby having lumber puncher and strapped to machines. she made a full recovery and after was told that because i has strep that she should have been given antibiotics at birth and because she wasn't we ended up with a very poorly baby.
Tamsin- I really enjoyed my pregnancy with Tamsin. My belly got very big this time but i felt i had the pregnant glow. Tamsin decided she didn't want to come out and after a refusal of induction, 16 days over my due date with a 2 hour labour Tamsin arrived weighing 8'10. She was slightly bigger than Maddison but somehow a much faster and easier labour.
Tamsin was a very different baby to Maddison. She cried and cried and didn't sleep and cried some more. I just didn't no what to do. I was told on taking her to doctors some babies just cry. I saw a homeopath whom said to me she thought that this maybe allergy related so i pushed for testing to which was refused. I decided to eliminate things my self, by this time we had started to ween her so made things a little easier on me. After months of being ignored she was tested and had many allergies. Some times mums no best.
Greyson- Having the girls to share my pregnancy with was so lovely. We went as a family to find out the sex of the baby at 16 weeks and were all so happy we were having a boy. I planned to have a home birth with a pool.
Unfortunately it was picked up on a growth scan at 30 weeks that my placenta wasn't quite working right and was showing full term age. I was now put under a consultant and monitored every 4 days for the next 3 weeks, when they decided it was no longer safe for the baby to be inside as was not getting what it needed. I was told they would book me in for a caesarian section 3 days later. I convinced the consultant to try and induce me first as i was really concerned and asked if i had any other options. I was brought in to be induced and after 3 days of induction i finally went into active labour and baby Greyson was born at 34+5 days weighing 5'2 he had to have help to breathe and was taken off to special care. I sat by his bed pumping so that he could be fed purely breast milk. after 2 weeks he was allowed home.
Lawson- My pregnancy went very fast with Lawson as i had already had 3 little monkey's running around and Greyson was only 6 months old when i fell pregnant with Lawson. We found out he was a boy and was delighted. This time i was having my water birth. It sailed by but at 32 weeks i was measuring small so sent for a growth scan and again i was in the previous situation and needed to have lawson early. I was heart broken. After my bad experience of a long induction with Greyson i refused to go through it again and asked if they would consider me having a sweep to see if anything would start by itself. So the consultant agreed and i was sent up to triage for a sweep and went home. The following day i started to have contractions. These can on strong and fast. i went to the park with the children and called my husband but within 40 minutes i felt like they were to intense and headed home to get in the bath ( i was using water either way). I called the hospital to say i would be in soon but then on standing out of the bath i was ready to go, I called the ambulance as no one apart from my children were home. I did not expect for things to move this fast. On arrival to the hospital with all of a hand towel to cover me for dignity (probably covering nothing)
I ran up the stairs and i delivered Lawson, I felt very in control and at 6' and no problems we were home by dinner time.
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